Saturday, 26 December 2015

Low cost Air Purifier another feat for IIT-M

As air pollution is taking a hit in the current situation; the demand for air purifier have been rising consistently and soon in some places like Delhi it may become mandatory to have a air purifier.However in the midst of all this a good news came from IIT-M where researchers have came up with the air purifier which is efficient  and cost effective at the same time.The model is a sensor based model and has capability to reduce air pollutants including the microbes.The model is a three layer air purifier similar to that of water purifier.The purifier is made from low cost materials like activated charcoal, ultraviolet light and some special fibres.The system consumes 50 watt of energy.The three layer system of purifier are as follows;first layer has a fan fitted at the bottom to suck air inside where a sensor detects pollutants which is transferred and is transferred to a bag where the  larger  particles are removed. Second layer is of activated charcoal working in absorption technique and absorbs the micro pollutants.Third layer has ultraviolet that treats bacteria and virus.The team is now working on a 360 degree model which will be more efficient than the current.

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